Not a heck of a lot going on on the farm right now, we have finished our small brandings, now to have our big branding, which will be this Sunday, then it will be just going to help our neighbours out at their brandings.
Scott is all done seeding, we have started our cultivating, but that is an endless job all summer based on how much rain we get, the bonus this year is that Rorrick has decided he wants to do the cultivating, so that frees up a lot of Scotts time.
Fencing, fencing, fencing …
And of course the endless job of fixing and replacing fences in our pastures, but thankfully there again, the kids have become great helpers with that, so I get to spend more time in my yard & garden while Scott & the kids head out working 🙂
Medicine Hat Farmers Market
I am excited to announce that our Medicine Hat Farmers Markets will begin on June 13th!!
Website changes
Also, we have revamped our website, it is still a work in progress, but we are setting up a new email system from it, so if you’d like to keep receiving monthly emails from us, please go to our website and sign up via it. I will send out another email this way next month, but after that it will only be sent to whomever has signed up via our website.
Family life
With Covid 19, Katriona was unable to find any summer jobs while she is home from University, but luckily my Dad has hired her. He claims she works to hard as now he has to go all day to keep her busy! I’m just happy as she was never one to show interest in the farm/ranch life, but she is really enjoying spending her days with her Grandpa learning how to fence, haul grain, move cows, and what ever other chores he finds for her.
Sarah thankfully found a job as a cashier just before everything shut down in March, so she has been busy with on line classes and working in Oyen, but Scott is missing her help around the farm as she was one who loved to get outside and help him.
I’m missing not watching Rorrick play baseball this summer, but he hasn’t missed it yet, kinda makes me sad that that means he won’t return to it next year, but he has been a huge help to both Scott & I! He’ll do his classes in the morning (which is always a big fight to get him to stay sitting in front of the computer!), then he does up a bunch of chores that Scott has set aside for him, then he’s been helping me get my yard cleaned up. With his muscles I’ve managed to get a couple of big projects completed that I’ve been procrastinating on since we moved to this place 14 1/2 years ago!

Brianna decided last year that she wanted to learn how to mow grass, so this year she is unstoppable! She doesn’t enjoy going around the perimeter with our ride on mower, so I’ll do that, then she’s off! It takes me 10 hours to mow my lawn, with my pasty white skin I’m unable to be outside for that long so it would normally take me 3 days to get my lawn mowed, that’s not counting weed whipping around everything. Now with Briannas help, we can get everything done over 2 days.

And Dustin, he wants to make money! Every chore I ask him to do he wants to know how much he get paid to do it, needless to say, I’ve never been a believer in paying in children to do chores, that’s just expected for them living here 🙂 So despite a lot of complaining, he will eventually go do chores with the understanding that supper will be his payment. I know, I’m kind of a mean mom 🙂
June Schedule
Saying all that, here is our schedule for the month of June:
June 4th: delivery to Medicine Hat – our last free doorstep delivery, once markets start we will go back to that 🙂
June 11th: Drumheller & Calgary Delivery
June 13th: Medicine Hat Farmers Market
June 20th: Medicine Hat Farmers Market
June 25th: Drumheller & Calgary Delivery
June 27th: Medicine Hat Farmers Market
July 4th: Medicine Hat Farmers Market
Hope you are having a great week,
Rachel MacPherson
MacPherson Meats
Phone: +1 (403) 952-1122
Website: MacPherson Meats
Follow us on Facebook: MacPherson Meats